
Posts Tagged ‘Wine bottle’

 I would have to say that while in Paris, I was more in awe of the buildings around whatever we where touring, the trees, the gardens, the hot guys, and the fashion then what was really going on. Here is an example of one of those many times where I found myself distracted by anything but the history of Paris. Yes, this is a display of wine bottles at the Van Gough exhibit in Paris. I loved this idea, and yes, I was not the only one in amazement. Many of my fellow Americans took photos of this snazzy idea. It makes me want to go recycle diving throughout the town and make one myself. In fact, someday, I will. But I mean, there where three of these and right next to it was a tourists, but very cute cafe. In France…where the drinking age is 16. And the fact the wine is cheaper than Diet Coke, or should I say Coco Cola Lite. Its that epic, I have the 4 dollar bottle to prove it.

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